People who need relief from tension the emanates from their spinal cord and head have found relief from sacral massages. Known as craniosacral therapy, sacral massage encourages a body to function well starting with the head and spine. The treatment hones in on the bones of the head and spinal column. Light pressure enhances the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and calibrates the central nervous system. Cerebrospinal fluid pads and shields the brain and spinal cord. The purpose of a sacral massage is to help the fluid perform efficiently and release a number of ailments. It acts to encourage natural body courses and their purposes.
At the office of Springfield Chiropractic Clinic, you can rest assured that our main mission is to alleviate your condition. We want you to feel relief as much as you want to feel relief. Constant discomfort affects more than just your physical health; it affects the way your live your life, every day. We understand this and are here for you. Our highly skilled professionals are at the forefront of new technologies to make your treatment as efficient and effective as possible.
Sacral massages are non-invasive and the patient remains fully clothed. A calm ambience is created with relaxing music and soft lights. You and your chiropractor will decide on a plan that rooted in your symptoms and their causes. The amount of time of each massage and the number of sessions you believe you will need depends on each patient.
Sacral massages have been employed in efforts to ease coordination impairment, scoliosis, TMJ, chronic migraines, constant fatigue, injuries to the spinal cord, brain injuries and tension sparked by emotion.
If you suffer from any type or malady that can be effectively treated by a chiropractor, the office of Springfield Chiropractic Clinic is here to help. Your care and comfort are our top priorities, and we will take the time to address your every concern and explain your options in care. For more information about our many services, please don’t hesitate to call us today.